Thursday, March 27, 2008

Leadership Strategies: A Historical Perspective!

A Message From Bob

Watching the lively battle for the U.S. presidency brings to mind one of the most important focal points of Dale Carnegie Training – the importance of leadership.
Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John McCain all are vying to lead this nation. The winner may well be the one who most consistently exhibits the qualities and attitudes of a great leader.

But how do we, the voters, judge those qualities and attitudes? How do we know what to look for? How do we know what’s important – and what’s not?
As with so many other crucial issues, we look to the past. We learn about the great leaders of yesterday, about their thoughts and deeds, their motives and desires. The lessons we learn from history may still be applied today, because the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Take Dale Carnegie. He started teaching leadership skills almost 100 years ago, and Dale Carnegie Training students today are applying the same principles he taught then. The times may be different, but human nature is the same.
Leadership is about motivating people. An effective leader influences those he leads and focuses them reach their goals, while leading by example. Leaders do not dictate; they inspire!

But leaders are made, not born. And leadership development training is designed to transform people from managers into leaders. Here are some ways to become a better leader by coaching your employees:

Listen. Get to know your employees. Ask them about the high points and low points in their lives, and how they coped with the low points.
Ask insightful questions. Whenever workers finish a project, ask them to list three things they accomplished and one area in which they can improve.
Don’t avoid the negative. Solicit input and ideas from employees, and don’t ignore feedback that is negative or contradicts your own statements. This type of feedback can yield valuable insights.
Don’t pretend you’re perfect. Sometimes you have to give constructive feedback to employees, and this is a good time to discuss your own experiences with similar issues and problems. Focus on the behavior or action, not the individual.
Build self-esteem. You must boost confidence among the people on your team, and the best way to do that is to recognize their achievements and tell them how valuable their work is.
Believe in what you do. Be a strong leader and you can move your team to work wonders.
In a recent article in the Harvard Business Review, historian and best-selling author David McCullough discussed the qualities that leaders need to cultivate. He highlighted a sense of history, the ability to spot talent, a willingness to learn, the skill to listen well, and the ambition to excel.
You may not be running for the presidency, but you can benefit from developing your leadership skills no matter what your station in life. Take the time to learn more about the great leaders of the past, and then strive to incorporate the lessons they offer into your own life. You’ll be glad you did!

Click here to read the article mentioned above from David McCullough!


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Engaging At Work

A Message from Bob
Is your workplace highly dysfunctional or fully engaged? The answer to that question could spell the difference between success and failure for your company.

Employees who are fully engaged in their work contribute far more to a company than those who go through the workday in a detached, angry or dispirited manner. It’s not too hard to see the difference; employees who are engaged feel a close bond with the company they work for, eagerly recommend it as a good place to work, and get more out of their work than just a paycheck. Unengaged workers tend to be poor contributors and display counter-productive behaviors such as frequent arguing and complaining.

Employers should care a great deal whether their workers are fully engaged. According to a study recently completed for Dale Carnegie Training, high levels of employee engagement lead to lower turnover rates, higher productivity rates and more innovation.

If a workplace is already infected with high levels of toxic behavior, how can executives and managers turn that around? The first and most important factor is for company leaders to display the very traits they want to encourage: maintain a positive attitude at all times, be fully engaged with your company’s issues and challenges, and avoid counterproductive activities such as excessive criticism and micromanaging.

Another key is to make workers feel invested in the company by including them in the decision-making process in a meaningful way. Managers must stop dictating and start cooperating. Focus on interpersonal relationships and allow workers a strong voice in designing goals and the methods used to reach them.

Other ways executives may lead the transformation include asking employees questions about what they think of the operation, identifying individual strengths among employees, recognizing achievement, and providing effective training.

Dale Carnegie Training can help companies in all of these areas, with programs tailored to the individual company. One example is TATA Teleservices Ltd., which was growing so rapidly the company hired almost 2,000 new employees in a short period of time, and hastily put them through a bare-bones training program. That led to poor performance, since the recruits lacked confidence in their own abilities and in company management. Dale Carnegie Training designed a custom two-day leadership building program, and the company reported the new training increased performance levels and interpersonal skills.

More such success stories may be found at our website.
Click here for more information!

Take a look around at your workplace. Are most of the people smiling and eager to contribute? If not, it may be time to take action to more fully engage your workforce, which is, after all, your No. 1 asset.

Employee Engagment White Paper

Dale Carnegie of Western CT Website

A Message From Bob

A Message from Bob (from an email blast on Feb 19, 2008)

Fact is that you more than probably open this e-mail because you are vitally interested in any and all information that will help you cultivate success in both your professional and personal life. Starting with today’s edition, I will begin a regular dialog with you, focusing on ways you can break through to the next level of achievement.

I plan to cover a wide range of topics, from the latest research into optimum performance to time-honored tips to help you charge ahead with energy and confidence. Please join me on this journey to success, and let me hear your thoughts and concerns.

Today I want to talk about a challenge we all face every day – stress in the workplace, and how to overcome it.

While most employers have eliminated a number of risk factors from the workplace, from smoking to chemical hazards to harassment, one deadly threat remains – stress. A number of recent studies have shown that stress on the job can significantly increase your chances of developing heart disease and can lead to other negative consequences. Companies that allow stress to affect workers suffer from higher rates of absenteeism and turnover and lower rates of productivity, as well as higher insurance costs.

The antidote to workplace stress is employee engagement. Workers who function within a highly supportive environment report lower levels of stress and produce more value for their employer.
If you are an employer, make sure your employees have the tools they need to get their work done correctly. Empower your employees to make a difference. Maintain a positive and responsive work environment. Dale Carnegie advised leaders to "be hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise."

Dale Carnegie Training of Western Connecticut has a wealth of advice for employers and employees alike on how to deal with stress in the workplace and in life. Keep reading below for some FREE valuable tips on keeping stress at bay.

And keep your eye on this space for a continuing series of columns dedicated to helping you find your way to greater success and career fulfillment!

Have a great day!


Dale Carnegie of Western CT Website

How To Reduce Stress

Are you feeling overwhelmed at work? Are external issues clouding your ability to work? Sometimes, we find ourselves becoming increasingly agitated and flustered as the workload just continues piling up. Many of us have come to accept that stress always comes with the job but that may always be so. We forget that stress is almost always counterproductive and can seriously harm our health if we allow it to dwell. There are several techniques and ideas you can try to reduce the levels and effects of stress in your life.

1. Develop and stick to a healthy lifestyle.

Good health is a powerful safeguard against stress. You know the right mix: a nutritious diet, plenty of rest and regular exercise. Keep in mind that if you are out of shape, it’s smart to consult with your doctor before beginning a new exercise regimen.

2. Know when to say no.

Acknowledge your time and stress limits up front to avoid taking on too many responsibilities. Assess the importance of each assignment and prioritize your activities. Try delegating some tasks to associates or speaking frankly to your superiors about recognizing your situation and adjusting your duties.

3. Take breaks.

If you are experiencing a nerve-racking day, try taking an unscheduled break to take your mind off work for a few minutes. Go for a walk, do some deep breathing or converse with a colleague.

4. Don’t try to be perfect.

Do you find yourself proofreading a report over and over again even though you have checked it twice and found no mistakes? It is sensible to strive for excellence, however you are unnecessarily adding more stress and burden on yourself when you impose impossibly high standards on your performance. A tough self-analysis will help not only eliminate behavior and excessive activities, not driven by the task at hand, but fears of criticism and rejection but also create less angst at work.

These suggestions are just a few ideas to help reduce stress in your life. Try experimenting with different techniques and you’ll see yourself developing into a calmer and more disciplined worker, ready to tackle new challenges.